Dance with Ronnie

Monday, June 05 2023

Looking for something new to add to your water fitness classes? Chances are you are already teaching some form of HIIT and muscle conditioning. Now try adding a splash of dance. D.A.T.-H2O™ with Ronnie Miller blends all three styles of work. D.A.T. stands for Dance fitness, Agility drills (HIIT) and Training (muscle conditioning). 


Adding some dance elements to your classes can dramatically elevate the fun factor. Dance allows class participants to let go and lose themselves in the music, while allowing their bodies to move outside of the athletic box. Including some dance also provides instructors the opportunity to deliver DAT star power on the pool deck.

D.A.T.-H2O™ Workout-at-a-Glance
Warm up:  4 to 5 min (traditional aquatic movements)
DAT Blocks: 15 to 17 min each block

·       Dance 1 – 5 min (Layer your dance moves with aquatic moves)

·       Agility 1 – 4 Drills 45/15 = 4 min + 1 to 2 min drill instructions (wall work)

·       Training 1 – 5 min Strength with or without equipment (Compound strength moves)

·       Dance 2 – 5 min (Go back to the top and keep layering or continue with current moves)

·       Agility 2 – 4 Drills 45/15 = 4 min + 1 to 2 min drill instructions (wall work)

·       Training 2 – 5 min Strength with or without equipment (Compound strength moves)

·       Dance 3 – 5 min (Go back to the top and keep layering or continue with current moves)

·       Agility 3 – 4 Drills 45/15 = 4 min + 1 to 2 min drill instructions (wall work)

·       Training 3 – 5 min Strength with or without equipment (Compound strength moves)

Cool Down:  4 to 5 min

Watch Ronnie talk more about the D.A.T. formula in the video below. Then read more about DAT inspiration.



D.A.T. Inspiration
By Ronnie Miller founder and creator of D.A.T.-H2O™
Report to the dance floor! D.A.T.-H2O™ combines Dance, Agility and Training for a well-rounded, full body workout for all fitness levels. This fun class allows your class members to dance like divas and workout like athletes. The dance moves are great for steady-state cardio and work in the pool because they are combined with traditional aquatic moves. Teach a fun dance combo and then take it back to the top, allowing the music to create the drive and intensity. Instructors will be able to use any 32-count music 128 to 130 bpm to perform dance blocks. There are no routines to memorize and no choreography to master. 
I’ve been teaching D.A.T.-H2O for eight years now. I have had great success with offering a dance element to the pool. It appeals to a younger demographic while also retaining my older active adults. It has also helped me to convert land instructors to pool instructors. Especially Group Fitness and Les Mills instructors. Group fitness instructors love the freestyle dance element while also having structured blocks. They also love the break on their bodies. Les Mills instructors love the dance, agility drills and using the different equipment for the training blocks. The DAT formula is also helping me to change the old thinking that pool classes are for your grandmother. I’m helping to change the perception one class at a time. My classes are full.
I hope you enjoy this workout as much as my students do.  Now it’s time to fill the deck with more dynamic DAT-Fitness® instructors. D.A.T.-Fitness® is a provider for AFAA and NASM. You will earn 14 AFAA CEUs and 4 NASM. Interested in hosting or attending D.A.T. workshops? Connect with us at this DAT FITNESS link


Fitmotivation is thrilled to welcome Ronnie to the instructor team.  She filmed four videos while she was in Florida. Stay tuned for three more videos posting this summer, including D.A.T. Dance, which includes the same Dance Agility Training formula, but in the studio.  Watch the video below to find out more about Ronnie. 



Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.