Get ready to roll the dice! Netherlands Aqua Expert, Katrien Lemahieu, uses dice for visualization in her all-encompassing workout, Working 5 to 9, which features drills, skills and choreography to enhance range of motion, coordination, balance, agility, power, endurance, strength and reaction time.
Fitmotivation subscribers are going to love this unique approach to functional movement and optimal fitness. This video showcases yet another workout designed to help people move better and live better. It is the perfect accompaniment to high intensity programming, targeting all the fitness components that HIIT training misses.
The key to this workout is the dice, hence the title – Working 5 to 9. Katrien not only uses the dice as a visual aide during the workout, but she also brilliantly made use of the dice visual on the notes that accompany the workout. Visualization is a mental rehearsal technique use to help achieve a goal. Exercise results can be accelerated by using a visual picture to help participants gain a better sense of what they are being asked to do. This is a communication tool that can be delivered verbally, visually or both. In this workout, the image of a dice is used to help convey where the arms, legs, or whole body is moving in space.
IMPORTANT: When introducing a new concept like this, allow time for students to learn allowing for success. If you change the dice patterns too often participants may feel frustrated and discouraged.
Segment 1: Songs 1 & 2 This segment focuses on speed and range of motion and introduces the first working position – the ‘5’ dice. On this dice there is a center dot and four corner dots. In the first song jogs are used as a cardio-respiratory warm-up at water tempo and land tempo using visualization to hit all dot positions. In song 2, taps and jumping jacks are used with foot placement hitting all dots. The ‘5’ dice was selected for the first segment because it moves the arms and legs in a variety of directions that are important for warming up the joints to prepare them for exercise.
Segment 2: Songs 3 & 4 The movements become a little more complicated in this segment allowing the emphasis to shift to balance and coordination. The ‘5’ dice is once again used however it is tilted so that there is a dot in the center, two dots – one front and one back (12 o’clock & 6 o’clock) and two dots on the sides (3 o’clock and 9 o’clock). This visualization is clearly explained in the video and depicted in the notes that accompany the video. In this segment, CC skis are used in song 3 with directional changes on the dots. Taps are also used in song 3, challenging balance and core with resistive and assistive arm patterning. In song 4, runs, taps and jumps are assigned to various dot positions using one and two leg challenges.
Segment 3: Songs 5, 6, 7 & 8 Buckle up because it is about to get a lot more intense. When we roll the dice this time we come up with a ‘5’ and a ‘4’ – and yes that equals 9. The 9 dots are introduced as three perfect rows of dots. Increasing movement options by increasing dots introduces three other skill related components of fitness -agility, power and endurance. Having more dots allows an opportunity to further develop mind-body awareness.. Isolated arm movements are also introduced in this segment.
Segment 4: Songs 9 & 10 This segment uses basic laws of motion: action/reaction; acceleration; inertia to build strength. A core challenge and more movement options are introduced by visualizing the dots in the vertical plane rather than on the pool floor. Reaction time is also tested in this segment. Students will have fun as they are challenged to follow you in a game of exercise improv.
MUSIC Recommended: 128 BPM The music used in this video was the soundtrack for Katrien’s video - Ai Chi in 3. This style of cadence is referred to as ¾ music. It has the same bpm throughout, but it is phrased in 24 counts instead of 32. However, all moves can be taught with 32-count phrased fitness music.
Interested in the ¾ music?Email Katrien for digital download possibilities – including the purchase/download of both the Ai Chi in 3 videoand music playlist.
Katrien’s email: [email protected]
Fitmotivation extends BIG THANKS to Katrien for extending her IAFC trip to include sharing/filming her 5 to 9 workout with subscribers. This creative aqua concept is sure to be a hit! Katrien is the founder of Kataqua, which provides education to instructors across the Netherlands. She is an international presenter, sharing her talents and knowledge with instructors worldwide. Look for another video from both Katrien and Laurie Denomme next month. Kataqua and WECOACH have collaborated in a new fitness program, BioExercise, which debuted at IAFC 2017. BioExercise – Challenge the Balance, featuring a sampling and introduction to BioExercise principles will be posted on June 21.