Tuesday, July 02 2019

(The above video clip is from Aqua Free 5, posted 6/8/15)

Aqua Free 5, the last video in the Aqua Free series features one more technique for creating ‘new moves’ and then all the techniques from all of the Aqua Free videos are combined to produce choreography that is guaranteed to captivate, motivate and deliver results.  And good news!   If you are AEA certified, you can earn 2.0 AEA CECs with an online CEC handout and quiz that summarizes the entire series.

At last, the grand purpose is finally revealed.  The secret is out.  We have unmasked ‘new moves’ and revealed them to be nothing more than variations of base moves.  In short, every new move is really just a variation of one of its aquatic ancestors:  jumping jacks, cross country skis, hops, moguls, twists, jogs, knee high jogs, high heel jogs, kicks, pendulums, ankle reaches, rocking horse and leaps.

According to the Gospel of Mark G:  “Whatever new moves shall be created shall emanate from base moves, also known as our aquatic ancestors”

In this Aqua Free quest, we have freed up our minds and honed our skills with techniques to create variations of base moves, providing us with an endless supply of ‘new moves’ to use in our routines.  The ability to create an endless supply of moves is one of the most important skillsets an aquatic fitness instructor will ever possess.

What happens if an instructor lacks this skillset?  Well, the movie Groundhog Day comes to mind.  Every class seems like a repeat of the last, with nothing ever changing.  A class that does not change ceases to deliver results.  A class that fails to deliver results struggles for relevance, which is often reflected in the attendance. 

Let’s recap the FIVE techniques used in the Aqua Free video series for creating ‘new moves,’ also known as base move variations.

*Aqua Free 1 *– Create new moves with new outcomes simply by changing the arm pattern and then triple each option by applying bilateral symmetrical, bilateral reciprocal and unilateral options.

Aqua Free 2 – Add to your library of moves by adding travel and changing directional orientation on base moves.

Aqua Free 3 – Applying impact options provides six more variations of a base move.  Up the intensity and deliver some shock and awe with Level I, Level II, Level III, grounded, elevated and propelled options.

Aqua Free 4 – Got music?  Use it! Applying land tempo, water tempo, half-water tempo and combined tempo to base moves provides a polished presentation of creative cadence. 

Aqua Free 5 – Combine two base moves and what do you get?  A NEW MOVE!  And then combine all 5 techniques for creating base move variations into one routine and what do you get?  AN AMAZING CLASS!

The Aqua Free series was produced as an educational tool for implementing techniques that deliver results while building an immense library of moves.   If you are feeling limited or bored; and you are struggling to create new routines – watch this series of videos. 

If you are an aquatic director and your aquatic fitness program is failing to excite or ignite your members – have your instructors watch this series.  You have my solemn promise it will help. 

Simply put, it is our job to help people move better, feel better and live better.

The Aqua Free video series has allowed me to share some skills and techniques I have learned along the way to do just that. 

If you are a subscriber and have improved your classes by watching these videos, I would love to hear your comments.

And don’t forget. The series ended with an optional CEC quiz worth 2.0 AEA CECs.

The quiz can be found when you open the video viewer for Aqua Free 5.  Simply scroll down and it is located under the notes.  There is a separate fee.  $10.00 for Premium subscribers and $20.00 for Basic subscribers.

Now log on and get busy helping people move better, feel better and live better!

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.