All support inquiries are responded to within 24 hours. Please check your inbox and spam folder frequently after sending a support request.

Important: All subscribers are responsible for managing their accounts online, including canceling your account. Please do not email Fitmotivation to cancel your account.

Canceling your subscription

To cancel: log in, click MY ACCOUNT, click Cancel Subscription

Cancellation Policy: As per Terms of Use, all subscriptions renew after trial period unless cancelled. Please cancel 1 day prior to your billing date (before 8:00pm) to avoid non-refundable charges. Your billing date is prominently displayed in your account settings.


If you are subscribed to the Basic plan and want to watch a Premium video, just change plans. You will NOT be charged when you change. You will be billed on your next invoice for the PRORATED amount of time spent on a plan during the billing period – month or year. Monthly subscribers must switch between monthly plans and annual subscribers must switch between annual plans to avoid immediate charges - UNLESS you want to upgrade or downgrade your plan.

To change plans: Log-in, click MY ACCOUNT, Change Subscription

Try logging in here: Login
If it is unsuccessful. Click "Forgot Password" and a password reset email will be sent. Be sure to check spam and promotional folders if you do not receive it.

Try these two things below

  1. Log out of ALL devices, refresh URL and log back into preferred device.
  2. Log in with a different browser. (Your preferred browser cache may need to be cleared)

Streaming videos are prone to buffering issues on all internet connections. The issue is usually temporary. Log out, wait a few minutes and log back in. Lowering video quality can also ease buffering. Click on the "Gear" symbol in the bottom right corner and select a lower quality, such as 360p.

For general inquiries or for content suggestions, please email: