Tuesday, July 02 2019

The above video preview is for Aqua Libre, which posted 6/7/16

Whether you teach an aquatic mind & body class, or you are just looking for new ideas for the noodle, or for core training, or for your cool down segment; Aqua Libre features a challenging 30-minute Pilates style workout for the pool.  Belgian expert, Wim Van Lancker, showcases his signature Pilates inspired workout which features precise, controlled noodle exercises in a variety of positions, including behind the back, seated and kneeling. 

Libre is a word borrowed from French and Spanish to describe something as free or as having freedom.  Wim prefers to think of it as free and fluid.  His workout features slow, controlled movements with precise execution to create a challenging core workout with a soothing Zen approach.  The intensity of the workout progresses as the noodle is positioned deeper down in the water for the added stability/buoyancy challenge.


Behind the Back – Under the Arms
Scissor (ski) and tuck movement variations are performed in vertical position with the noodle under the arms and behind the back.  Slow controlled movement of the legs in various positions provides the ultimate core challenge.

Seated on the Noodle
The noodle provides opportunities for seated Pilates style exercises that far exceed the challenge of traditional mat work.  Upper body, lower body and core all work together in this sequenced flow of intense movement.  And just wait until you see what happens to the noodle during the “Rolling like a Ball” exercise.

Kneeling on the Noodle
As the noodle progresses further down into the water, the stability challenge greatly increases, providing maximal core recruitment.   Discover even more from the core by transitioning to one leg kneeling on the noodle while performing movements with the other leg. 

On behalf of Fitmotivation, I would like to thank Wim for sharing his passion for aquatic fitness with Fitmotivation video subscribers.  Many regular attendees of IAFC from years past will probably recognize Wim.   For several years he served as an IAFC staff member, helping with A/V needs in the classrooms, including assisting nervous presenters with the LCD projectors.  Wim is a senior staff member for VDRG Dance School and Aqua & Move in Belgium. 

Based upon requests for some Pilates content, I hope you enjoy yet another video with creative noodle work.   

Other recent videos posted on Fitmotivation with noodle exercises:
Noodle Core Mixes:  Creative progressions core work using the noodle in various positions
Noodle Cardio Mixes:  Choreographed aerobic combinations using the noodle
Peyow Funktional Barre with Anne Pringle Burnell:  Barre exercises with the noodle

On June 20, the full video, Aqua Flex & Flow, will post with choreographed sequences of yoga, Pilates, Ai Chi and more creative Barre exercises using the noodle!   This is a mind & body workout I have been doing with my students at the YMCA.  I will be debuting the workshop this weekend in Louisville, KY.   Stay tuned!


Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.