Tuesday, July 02 2019

Fasten your flotation belt and get ready for a challenging cardio core experience in the pool, deep or shallow – your choice. Based on a workout designed for Aqua Sphere’s new Aqua X Core Belt, the Aqua X Core Workout features 10 powerful aqua exercises performed in a high intensity interval format.

You can teach this cardio core routine in your classes, or you can get in the pool and follow along to a guided audio workout. The Aqua X Core Workout is available as an audio download to Fitmotivation subscribers and will soon be available as an audio CD on the Fitmotivation store.

This workout features 10 exercises that demand more from your core while keeping the cardio pumped up. In this high intensity interval format (HIIT), each exercise is performed at a high intensity for 60 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of recovery. Do it once through for 15 minutes, or twice for 30 minutes, or make it a full 45-minute workout by doing the routine three times.

All exercises can be executed in both deep and shallow water. The workout is performed with a flotation belt – preferably Aqua Sphere’s Aqua X Core Belt. Wearing the belt in shallow water allows you to adjust body position into a suspended V-sit where you can engage in core-inspired movement.

The Aqua X Core Workout video is now posted on the Fitmotivation website, along with the notes. Also posted with the video is the 30-minute audio download. This simple mp3 file can be saved to your computer and/or imported into iTunes so that you can burn to a disc or sync to a device. The download is available to Fitmotivation Basic Pro subscribers for $9.00 and it is FREE for Premium Pro subscribers.

This is the second audio download available to subscribers. The first, Pool Jogging & Tabata, was posted in November. In all honesty, I think I did a much better job of cueing the Aqua X Core Workout. Pool Jogging & Tabata was the first audio workout I did and I was totally unprepared for the voice-over. I sat in front of a microphone reacting like a play-by-play sports announcer unsure of what was happening next. This time I made my videographer send me the footage in advance so I could PRACTICE the voice-over. Practicing is a GOOD thing.

And I can personally testify that I did get in the pool this week and enjoyed working out with the Aqua X Core audio workout. I have a waterproof headset/Blue Tooth that I wear in the pool, which allows me to workout to any playlists on my phone, while safely keeping my phone in a dry, safe place on the deck. I really like having a guided workout to follow because it takes the “thinking” out of working out.

Also posted with the Aqua X Core video was a BONUS video produced by Aqua Sphere. This video features the original program that was filmed for the Aqua X Core Belt in 2013. The current workout features 10 of the 12 exercises filmed in the original program. I left off two exercises (#5 & #11) because they require travel, which is often not possible in smaller home pools. Individual clips of the original footage have been posted on YouTube for the past year, but this BONUS underwater footage features the complete video and all 12 exercises.

Two more short videos were also posted in conjunction with the release of Aqua X Core Workout. The Aqua X Core audio workout does not include a warm-up or final stretch. The reason I don’t want to include warm-ups and stretches in the audio workouts is that I ultimately envision the pool workouts to be mixed and matched – doing 15 minutes of one, 30 minutes of another and so on. Rather than be complete workouts that include a warm-up and stretch – they are instead short “workout-only” programs that can be combined with other activities.

Therefore, I posted Basic Aqua Warm-up and Basic Aqua Wall Stretch on the Fitmotivation website. These short videos feature examples of a basic warm-up that can be done prior to a workout and a simple stretch that can be done at the conclusion of a workout. The videos come complete with the notes on the website or they can be viewed on the Fitmotivation YouTube channel.

Log on and get busy Fitmotivation subscribers because you have 4 new videos to watch, three new sets of notes to print out and an audio workout to download. Stay tuned! In March 2015, Aqua Sphere’s Aqua X Core Belt and the audio CD version of the workout will be available on the Fitmotivation store. More details coming soon.

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.