Tuesday, July 02 2019

Slow to fast, fluid to fierce and tranquil to turbulent, YoHiLates is an excellent program for introducing mind & body programming into chillier pools.  German Aqua Expert, Dr. Daniela De Toia, shares an aquafit workout that alternates between high-intensity exercise, yoga flow and Pilates core training. 

The program structure is very simple.  Higher intensity segments alternate with mind & body segments.   Each segment is taught for one song on the playlist, for an average of 5 minutes per segment. YoHilates features 6 segments and is just over 30 minutes in length. Instructors can get creative and add additional segments of their own to complete a 45 to 60 minute class.

The one major take-away from this workout is the emphasis on movement that targets the midsection.   All you have to do is look at the students’ faces in the pool during this video to realize they are feeling the burn.  The powerhouse is an important concept of Pilates training.     The powerhouse differs slightly from traditionally defined core musculature and includes the abdominal muscles, low back muscles, pelvic floor, muscles surrounding hip and the glutes.  Watch closely the technique of combining stability with torso rotation; add arm movements to the mix and you ignite the abdominals.


Segment 1: High-Intensity
Time to wake up the body in this first segment.  Lower body base moves are paired with neutral arms (Genie Arms) and torso rotation for some dynamic core action.  The core stays heated in the final arm segment thanks to more rotational movement.

Segment 2:  Yoga
Interval training is all about going from work to recovery.  This segment dials it back with some fluid movement and Yoga flow.  Breath and movement are paired together for relaxing bodywork.

Segment 3:  High-Intensity
So much for rest.  Hi ho hi ho…it’s back to work you go!  Bounded exercises are paired with suspended movement for an intense blend of plyometric and zero gravity training.   

Segment 4:  Pilates
The pace slows down in this segment and the intensity zeros in on the core.  Slow and controlled powerhouse training is executed with stability, turbulence, power and grace.

Segment 5:  High-Intensity
This last ‘work’ segment is all about the arms and the core.   Creative arm patterns are used in conjunction with torso stability and rotation for an intense burn in the upper body and midsection. 

Segment 6:  Yoga
This last segment ends with relaxing arm movements and more yoga flow. 

Given the alternating levels of intensity in this workout, it is best to utilize two playlists – one with a faster bpm (130-135) and one with a slower bpm  (105-120).

Fitmotivation would like to thank Daniela for sharing her passion and filming this video while in Brussels for an Aqua & Move event.  Known to many who attend IAFC, Daniela is a professional educator and AEA International Training Specialist based in Germany.  Her areas of expertise include rehabilitation, prevention, functional training and children’s fitness programs.

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.