Aquafit Sports Specific Clinic

Friday, September 16 2022

Join Stephanie from AquaGym Fitness for a 25-minute specialty aqua fitness class that targets the muscles needed to maintain a powerful swing and grip in sports such as golf, tennis and pickle ball.  The Hydrorevolution Swing Trainer is used in this swing clinic, but other equipment can be substituted. 

AquaGym Fitness has shared several of their workouts on Fitmotivation.  Swing It is a little different than any of their other workouts.  This content can be incorporated into classes with a sports specific theme or in small group or personal training.  If you live in an area where golf is king, you could even consider offering swing clinics like AquaGym Fitness does. Since this content is so different from the norm, I thought it best if AquaGym Fitness founder, Stephanie Newberry, provided the backstory and more details about this swing clinic.   


AquaGym Fitness was established over 8 years ago on Amelia Island in Florida. We offer water fitness classes all over the area for our active residents using our traditional interval style.  Many of our AquaGym Fitness classes are taught in country clubs, where they love adding this amenity for their members. As expected, the majority of the attendees are women. Over the years, however, we began to notice an increase in male attendees.  We started receiving feedback from them that the exercise they were doing in the water was improving their score on the golf course. In this area of Florida, golf is a hallowed sport.  Over time, we also began to hear about improvements in other sports, such as pickleball and tennis, which are also favorite activities for club members. 
Below is some feedback from some of our class attendees.

I have been playing tennis for over 30 years and am blessed to still be able to play. A large factor is the Aqua Gym classes I have faithfully attended for the last five years. While improving my overall fitness with Aqua Gym I have the stamina, strength, and flexibility to play 2-3 hours of singles. I love that Aqua Gym addresses all areas of fitness and that transfers to my sport.
Sandi Fainer, Amelia Island, FL

Having reached the ripe old age of 75, with multiple orthopedic surgeries playing golf with relative success is a challenge! AquaGym, with water resistance rather than pounding dead weight, has been a lifesaver in continuing my golf playing and maintaining muscle/body tone. Just do not get in my pool space!
 Jim Mccollum, Amelia Island, FL

Thank you SO much, Stephanie and AquaGym!  After retiring 10 years ago and taking golf back up, I was struggling with every facet of this challenging sport.  Today, after becoming a devoted fan of the AquaGym classes, I am driving the ball SO much farther, and enjoying much-improved golf scores, thanks to my improved strength and flexibility. VERY grateful!  
John Phillips, Amelia Island, FL

After being introduced to the Hydrorevolution Swing Trainer, we were excited to put together a workout specifically designed to improve people's performance in these sports. Please note that the swing trainer is an OPTION for the Swing It workout. Some people use a baseball bat or racket in the water, while others substitute with specialty aquatic fitness equipment, such as the Hydrorevolution Aqualogix bells or a Speedo Push Plate.   Watch the video below for more on equipment options.

Be sure and share this clinic with your students in the pool or try it at home in your own personal pool. Before you know it, your game will improve, and everyone will want to know YOUR secret!  And be sure to check out more of my AquaGym Fitness videos on Fitmotivation.  See You In The Pool!
Stephanie Newberry, AquaGym Fitness



Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.