Basic to Premium and back again...

Tuesday, July 02 2019 is an affordable training resource for aquatic fitness professionals because you can subscribe and unsubscribe (cancel) as much and as often as you want. Why pay $15 to $30 for ONE download or DVD when you can spend the same amount for over 100 videos?   However, another tool subscribers use for flexibility and affordability is the 'Change Plan' feature.

A Basic Pro Plan subscriber currently has access to 75 full-length videos for just $14.95 a month.  There is no obligation - cancel anytime.  A Premium Pro Plan subscriber currently has access to 111 full-length videos for $24.95 a month. There is no obligation - cancel anytime. The reason for the difference is that 2 videos post a month in the Basic plan and 3 videos post each month in the Premium plan.
That means there are 36 full-length videos that a Basic subscriber does not have access to.  What if they really want to watch one of those videos?  It's simple...just change plans!  Fitmotivation subscribers can log in, click on MY ACCOUNT and then click on CHANGE PLANS.
They will not be charged when they change plans.  Instead, a Basic subscriber will be charged at their next monthly billing for the amount of time they spent on the Premium plan during that billing cycle.  If you only spend 2 or 3 days on the Premium plan - you will only be charged around $0.75 to $1.00 extra. 
 - You can change back & forth as frequently as you want in a billing cycle.  Your monthly invoice will be pro-rated each time.  You do not get charged for changing - you only get charged or credited for the amount of time you spend on a plan.
-  Watch your renewal date!  This date is clearly listed in MY ACCOUNT.   If you switch to Premium during your billing cycle - you need to switch back before your renewal date otherwise you will renew as a Premium subscriber.
-  IMPORTANT:   If you are a monthly subscriber  - switch to a another MONTHLY plan.  If you are an annual subscriber - switch to another annual plan.   By doing so, your invoice for the next billing period will simply be adjusted.  If you are a monthly subscriber and switch to an annual plan - or vice versa....Holy Hell will erupt in your account and then I have to figure out how to fix it.  Please don't let that happen.
-  ALSO IMPORTANT:  Monthly subscribers are emailed an invoice every month.  Your invoice will clearly detail the pro-rated adjustments.  If you do not receive your invoice that means it went to your spam folder.  Be sure to add [email protected] in your email contacts.

This 'change plan' feature was incorporated to give subscribers more flexibility in their viewing and budgeting in their costs.   Please take advantage of it.  And don't forget about the AEA CEC opportunities available at   Live workshops are best but sometimes they not convenient to attend.   Fitmotivation Online Education is the next best thing!
Thanks to all Fitmotivation video subscribers for your loyalty and support.   You monthly subscription renewals keeps the videos coming!

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.