Cheers to the 200th Video!

Monday, December 09 2019

On December 17, 2019, Fitmotivation will upload video #200.  You heard it right.  200 full-length aquatic fitness videos are now streaming in the Premium Pro Plan and 139 videos are streaming in the Basic Pro Plan.  Instructors from 38 countries are now subscribed to Fitmotivation, making it the internet's largest resource for creating amazing water exercise classes.  

Lucky video #200 belongs to Jackie Lebeau.  Stride & Stretch is a water walking program that blends together a variety of striding patterns with stretching for both lower and upper body.  The full video is scheduled to post on December 17.  This is Jackie's third time filming for Fitmotivation and she was thrilled to hear that her video hit the magic number of 200.

Fitmotivation launched on November 14, 2014 with just 6 videos.  The promise was to post two videos a month in the Basic Pro Plan and three videos a month in the Premium Pro Plan. Promises made, promises kept - and more!  With the introduction of Express Videos in 2018, up to 4 videos now post every month.  Below is the first video that appeared on 11/14/14 announcing the new site.

As mentioned in the above video, one of the driving forces behind the creation of the streaming video service was my desire to cut back on travel.  The previous 10 years had featured non-stop travel for workshops and conferences, sometimes up to 25 weekends a year.  In 2004 I also began producing DVDs of my workshops and had amassed over 24 DVDs by 2014. The problem was that DVD sales were declining yearly due to evolving technology.  Additionally, demand from overseas for my DVDs was becoming taxing as international shipping required trips to the post office, along with some creative mailing solutions when there were countries not included in the online merchant system I used.  "There has to be a better way," I thought.  There was!   Watch the 12-minute video below for a walk down Fitmotivation memory lane since its inception as an instructor training platform in 2003. 

Five years of filming yields LOTS of photos.  Take a photo journey through the last 5 years of Fitmotivation fliming.

As mentioned above, instructors from over 38 countries are now subscriber to the site.  Fitmotivation has become the internet's largest resource for building instructor skills.  We simply make classes better.  See what instructors are saying.

The last five years could not have been possible without the support of instructors who simply want to make their classes as exciting and as effective as possible.  Fitmotivation extends a big THANK YOU to everyone who has subscribed over the last five years.  And we extend our biggest THANK YOU to those who stay subscribed.  Your support and subscription dollars are what keep making the site better and better. If you haven't tried the site yet - you can do so with a FREE Trail Month Offer
Cheers to five more years!

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.