Cool Core Choreography

Tuesday, July 02 2019

Vertical Core Moves for Deep & Shallow

Rarely do I ever leave myself much time to add in optional activities at the end of a class. The fact is I barely leave time for “not so optional” activities such as a proper cool down and extended stretch. I know I should. I know better. But there are a lot of things in life that I know I should do and I don’t. Invariably, I get obsessed with the choreography tasking and I jip my students out of doing other things. Sadly, I have perfected the Nuclear Cool Down & Speedy Stretch to the bare minimum of calves, quads, hamstrings, glutes, chest, back, triceps and buh bye!

So what does the Choreography Freak to do when he actually has a few extra minutes to spare? On those rare occasions when the clock blesses me with extra time, I unload my favorite vertical core moves as a cool down – all choreographed of course. As discussed in my recent blog, Aqua Abs Noodle, students love to work their abs. However, passing out the noodles and herding the students back to their places is usually a painful process involving excessive gabbing and lollygagging. When minutes are precious, I keep the noodle cart hidden.

Cool Core Choreography features all vertical movements without any equipment. Targeting core and abdominal muscles from a vertical position without added equipment is easier to sneak into your class and it is more functional. Jack tucks, ankle reaches, twists, moguls, hops, tucks and much more all come together in this routine for some seriously choreographed core training. Choreography not your thing? No worries. The movements can all be taught in a linear or free-style fashion.

Best of all, these moves whether choreographed or not, can all be taught in shallow or deep water. In the video, I filmed the combinations in both shallow and deep to prove it can be done. As discussed in several of my recent articles and blogs, I teach a class where there simply is no other choice than to teach to students in both shallow and deep water at the same time. Therefore, I am always trying to develop movements and choreography that works in both depths.

There are three blocks of choreography in this video. The movements are first taught linear and then they are instructed in a sequenced combination. Below is a sample from the choreography notes for Cool Core Choreography.

Block Two Movements

  • Jack tucks
  • Jack tuck & hold
  • Jack tuck & twist –hold
  • Jack tuck and (roll back) & Ankle reach x 2 and reset
  • Advanced Option: Jack tuck and (roll back) & Ankle reach x 3 and quick reset

Block Two Combination

  • Jack tuck x 4 (16) Jack tuck x 4 in a box with ¼ turns (16)
  • Jack tuck and hold x 2 (16) Jack tuck and hold-twist x 23 (16)
  • Jack tuck and (roll back) & Ankle reach x 2 and reset – x 2 (32)

The Cool Core Choreography video is now posted on the Fitmotivation website. As of December 17, you can watch the entire video directly on the website and print out the choreography notes.

That will be the last video posted in 2014! But stay tuned – four new videos will be posting in January. The January videos will include a new AEA CEC Online video course and a new audio workout.

Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.