Monday, September 23 2019

Take away a class template that will help you design creative, challenging and fun deep-water workouts.  Vertical and horizontal movements and the combination of both are blended with running for a fast-paced cardio core adventure in the deep end.

Deep UpDown Run features four 5-minute combinations that each include four components.  The “down move” is a deep-water base move performed vertically with variations of intensity.  The “up move” is a horizontal exercise, typically performed in a reclined position for enhanced core activation.  The “UpDown move” is a combination of both the vertical and horizontal movements; starting vertical, working up to horizontal and then back down again.  The last component is two minutes of deep water running split up into four 30-second segments and alternated with the other three components. 


5-Minute Combo Template

  1. 30 seconds running
  2. 60 seconds down - vertical
  3. 30 seconds running
  4. 60 seconds up - horizontal
  5. 30 seconds running
  6. 60 seconds up & down – vertizontal
  7. 30 seconds running

Notes:  Included for Youtube Channel Free Video:  Deep UpDownRun Notes

Vertical movements selected in this workout are simple deep-water base moves.  Simple is best so that the routine is easier to teach.  However, the exercises can be made more challenging by incorporating variations in intensity using tempo, levers and range of motion.

The horizontal moves selected can be more core-oriented or even swim inspired.  The core-oriented exercises are typically performed in a reclined position, or an L-sit position.   But instructors with a swim background should feel free to get creative and blend in some swim style exercises. 

In the video, the vertical and horizontal moves are performed together, starting with the vertical move transitioning to the horizontal move and back down again.   However, instructors shoul feel free to perform any kind of vertical to horizontal move during these 60 seconds.  The term “vertizontal” was inspired by a deep-water DVD I produced in 2010 – Aqua Vertizontal.

The running segments interspersed are designed to keep the pace energetic and to add more of a cardio, high intensity element to the workout.   Instructors should strive to incorporate a variety of running patterns that move the legs in all directions so that the hip flexors don’t get over used in a traditional sprint

Bonus Round
Each of the four 5-minute combinations had 7 parts as seen in the template above.  After completing all four combinations, a 7-minute bonus round was performed in the video by doing all 28 parts for 15 seconds each.

As in almost all of my videos.  The music phrasing served as my timer.
15 seconds = one 32-count phrase of music
30 seconds = two 32-count phrases of music
60 seconds = four 32-count phases of music

The music bpm was 126.  The playlist used in this video – Mark’s Dance Instrumental Mix - is available from Muscle Mixes Music.  However, the playlist available for sale is 132 bpm.  I lowered the bpm to 126 because that was more appropriate for deep water exercise and the vertizontal movements. 

Adding Equipment?
Drag equipment, such as the Aqualogix uppers & lowers, or webbed gloves, can easily be inserted into this workout to increase the resistance and intensity.  A flotation belt is recommended for this workout and for deep water exercise in general.   Watch me explain WHY a flotation belt should be used in deep water.

Shallow Modification
If you do not teach deep water classes, consider using this template for shallow water.  The UpDown action was actually inspired by the drills my last video – Kicks, Drill and Thrills.   For shallow water, simply modify the “Down” moves by making them traditional shallow water base moves.  The “Up” moves would be Level III/suspended movements.  The “UpDown” would be a combination of the two.  In fact, I am intrigued with trying this myself and will make a Shallow UpDown Run video if my test subjects (YMCA students) like the workout. 

Create your own UpDown Run Combos
The four combinations and the bonus round are less than 30-minutes total time.  If you teach a 45-60 minute deep water class, I challenge you to use the template and create a couple of your own Deep UpDown Run combinations.  Fitmotivation’s philosophy is to build instructor’s skills at CREATING routines, rather than just teaching them.   Enjoy the template and get creative with your movement selection. 

Stay tuned – I am working on another deep water workout that is slated to post next month. 

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.