Tuesday, July 02 2019

(Above preview is for Deep Leverage, posted 6/1/15)

Deep Leverage was filmed 6 years ago at the pinnacle of my choreography craze. Struck with the “fever”, every routine I created had to be meticulously sequenced with flow from the warm-up all the way through the final stretch. At the time, I was still trying to invent moves never before seen in the world of aquatic fitness.

And so yes, I guess you can say I am mellowing and deprogramming with age and experience. My recent obsession has been trying to make choreography more simplified by filling routines with “base moves and base move variations” so that classes are easier to teach and easier to follow.

Deep Leverage is all about add-on choreography - ten add-on combinations to be exact. And yes they all flow together. This routine features advanced transitions, aggressive travel options and creative lever variations. I am getting ‘feverish’ just recalling it.

If you are struck with ‘the fever’ too then the following cues from Deep Leverage may intrigue you… Jog laterally and reverse the lead with a…. Reverse tuck & shoot and…. Bent knee side lunge and then… Tuck syncopate and…. Ski 3 and turn and then ski up… Jacks in 3 – short lever and long lever and then… Half gainer and then…

Half gainer? Yup. I had always wanted to name a move a half gainer. And I finally concocted the perfect move to call a half gainer. Spoiler alert? Not a chance. You have to watch the video for yourself to see it!  God love AEA Trainer, Monique Acton, for being my student in this video!  Monique never misses a beat and always has flawless form.

Deep Leverage is now posted on the Fitmotivation website along with 25 other videos in the Premium plan. (17 videos are now posted in the Basic plan)

What are waiting for? Log on, catch the fever and get busy choreographing!

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.