Easy-to-Teach AquaCombat Cardio Mixes

Tuesday, July 02 2019

The above preview is for AquaCombat Cardio Mixes, posted 5/7/16

Italian presenter Andrea Gilardoni delivers a masterful breakdown of simple combat moves into high-energy cardio combinations in the latest original Fitmotivation video – AquaCombat Cardio Mixes.  Watch the video, print out the notes and treat your students to a powerful aqua cardio combat workout – Italian Style!

Here is what impressed me most about this video.

In many of my videos, I film the final combinations – reminding instructors that they need to “teach” the combinations with break down and lots of repetitions, before arriving to the final combination.   After watching this video, it occurred to me that many instructors might need help with doing this.  Watching Andrea masterfully break down simple movement that everyone can do into fun combinations made me realize that I need to spend more time in my videos showing HOW to teach and breakdown the combinations.  If you want to see brilliantly instructed progressions from simple to more complex movement – watch this video!

Over the years, kickboxing in the water has had its fans and it has had its detractors.  Similar to Zumba, if kickboxing is taught in the water like it is taught in the studio, the end result will be rather lame.   The moves need to be adapted to the aquatic environment for a successful outcome.   And here once again is where Andrea excelled.  The arm and leg patterns are designed for maximal surface area and optimal drag resistance.   The inclusion of water specific moves, such as straddle jumps, flick kicks and tucks, take advantage of the properties that make exercising in the water so challenging and so much fun.  If you want to see an AquaCombat routine designed for water – watch this video!

Personality & Energy
The beauty of going to workshops and watching videos is that you not only take away new moves, but you also absorb cueing and personality traits of the presenter. As I have said before, my teaching persona is in fact a compilation of all the great fitness leaders I have learned from.  And now Andrea is part of that compilation.  You can bet that my new favorite thing to say in class is:  “You like?  I DON’T LIKE! 

Teaching is a performance – whether you like it or not.  The students respond to your performance.   Andrea teaches with tons of energy and so his students will perform with tons of energy.  Andrea uses humor to connect and so his students will respond with smiles and laughter.   If you want to get recharged with some energy and some humor – watch this video!

The music used in this video was Ethnic Rhythm Party – available in the Fitmotivation Store as a CD or on the Yes! Fitness Music website as a download.

AquaCombat Cardio Mixes is a very simple, yet high-energy cardio routine to bring to your classes.   If you have never taught kickboxing – no worries – these moves are easy to teach and easy for the students to learn.   The video and notes are now posted.  Log on and get busy creating mayhem in the pool!

BIG THANKS to Andrea Gilardoni for a superb video.  On behalf of Fitmotivation video subscribers – thank you for sharing your talent and your energy. 

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.