Tuesday, July 02 2019

_The preview is for Choreography with Polly, which posted on 2/7/17 _

Choreography challenged? USA Aqua Expert, Pauline Ivens, shares 40 ready-to-use shallow water combinations in her video, Choreography with Polly.   Learn how to create simple combinations that will make you look like a seasoned aqua choreography pro.  With decades of experience, Pauline also provides invaluable education on transitions, cueing, deck skills and more in this 70-minute epic aqua choreography video.

So you say you don’t do choreography?  WRONG.  If you put two moves together…gasp…you are guilty of the crime of choreography.  Putting two moves together requires analysis, knowledge and practice to determine if the two moves link together smoothly and safely – and if they don’t…how to fix them so that they do.   To avoid choreography you would have to avoid putting two moves together, therefore teaching “one-move” drills forever and ever and ever.

Many instructors are intimidated by the word “choreography” and so let’s not use THAT word.  Let’s instead focus on putting moves together.  Jacks.  Skis.  Kicks.  Jogs.  I love Pauline’s aqua choreography video because she digs into the nuts and bolts of starting simple, unlike other aqua choreography videos – such as MINE!  She is a master of aquatic fitness education who does not suffer fools gladly when it comes to the sacred oath of teaching fitness.  If you have ever worried about your combinations and whether or not the moves you are teaching should go to together, this video provides an invaluable education into the art of putting moves together – A.K.A choreography.   


Section One – Very Simple Combinations
As described above, choreography in its most simple form is two moves linked together.   In this section, that is exactly what you get.    Putting two base moves together is pretty standard and would also be pretty boring if you didn’t vary the moves.  Pauline provides an excellent review of methods used for varying base moves, including changes in tempo, direction and repetitions.  Take away 15 very simple two-move combinations to add into your classes.   

Section Two – Simple Combinations
In this section, 10 more two-move combinations are featured, but the moves become more challenging as travel is introduced.  To keep the combinations fairly simple to teach, the travel direction is consistent in each pattern, with one move traveling forward and one move traveling backwards.  The intensity perks up in this segment as the Law of Inertia is put into play with constant motion. 

Section Three – More Advanced Combinations
Now we’re talking!  As you can imagine, THIS is my favorite segment.  I am a ‘4-move’ kinda guy. In this section, four moves are featured in each of the 15 combinations, along with the base move variations learned in the previous segments.  New instructors and those challenged by choreography may have to progress slowly with this segment.  The key is in teaching each of the four moves with lots of repetition before attempting the final combination as seen in the video.  I was glad to see Pauline reinforce this in her video because I preach this gospel in ALL of my choreography videos.   The combinations are NOT the workout.  The repetitions of the movements in the combinations ARE the workout.  Over time, teaching combinations of movements becomes easier and the end result is a class that is more exciting and students who are more engaged.

In Choreography with Polly, all three sections come together to provide a doable road map and ready-to-use combinations for the choreography challenged.   As always, Pauline excels at analyzing movement and how to best put it together.  Her passion for educating is abundantly evident in this video.

Fitmotivation would like to extend heartfelt THANKS to Pauline Ivens for sharing this invaluable choreography resource with Fitmotivation video subscribers.   In addition to streaming on Fitmotivation.com, Choreography with Polly is also available as an individual download on Pauline’s website, Aqua Aerobics Unlimited. The music used in her video, Polly & the Pool Boys, is also available as a download.

If you liked Choreography with Polly, check out some of her other videos: 
Choreography for the Core
Deep Explorations - Follow the Mermaid
Deep 124

And check out her other music CDs:  The Mermaid’s Lunch and Aqua Blue

If you are interested in hosting AEA CEC approved workshops with Pauline, contact her through her website.


Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.