Tuesday, July 02 2019

He’s back!   Italian aqua fitness trainer, Andrea Gilardoni, returns with a high intensity format that is simple to teach and guaranteed to deliver results.  Based on the training principle of “as many reps/rounds as possible” (AMRAP), Aqua Functional AMRAPs will provide instructors with yet another format/template for teaching high intensity exercises.  If you are a fan of HIIT/boot camp style workouts, you will love this format.   

The template doesn’t get any easier than this.  This workout features four 5-minute AMRAP rounds.  Each AMRAP round includes 4 high-intensity exercises taught circuit-style for 20 reps each – as many rounds as you can do in 5 minutes.  AMRAP workouts have been very popular with land personal trainers for the last few years and for good reason.  They deliver results.

AMRAP workouts are designed to be high intensity in nature, and like other HIIT formats that means they will likely burn more fat calories and elevate metabolic rate more efficiently.   Clearly this is a bonus for cardiovascular endurance and it is most definitely also a big win for muscular endurance due to the high repetitions of exercises.   Muscular endurance is a precursor to muscular strength, as muscles can’t get stronger without performing sufficient repetitions.  AMRAP workouts motivate participants because they can see their strength and endurance improving over time as they complete MORE reps or rounds in a given time. 

Instructing doesn’t get any easier than this.   Andrea is clearly enjoying his role in the video as a ‘coach’, leading the workout without having perform more than a couple of lead-off reps. Teaching choreography is much more high maintenance because you have to perform more of the routine in order for the students to follow along.  Teaching with AMRAP drills, or any drills for that matter, is definitely easier on the body and the voice.

An AMRAP workout can be taught to any population, including seniors.   The intensity of the format can easily be adapted by adjusting the amounts of reps and total time of each round.  Consider decreasing reps and/or duration of rounds for more mature audiences.  Exercise selection can also be modified to include exercises that are lower in intensity and impact.

In this workout, each round includes four exercises.   Instructors could consider developing a template these four exercises.  Such as:  

1)   Upper Body 2) Lower Body R leg 3) Lower body L leg 4) core

1)   Bounded  2) Grounded  3)  Neutral (Level II)  4) Suspended

1)    Water tempo 2) land tempo 3) half water tempo 4) combined tempo

1)   Jack variation 2) Ski variation 3) Kick variation 4) jog variation

These are just a few examples of how you can structure the exercise selection.

Fitmotivation would like to once again THANK Andrea for sharing his exuberant passion and talent.  He has a remarkable knack for building templates that balanced and full of energy.   Check out Andrea’s other Fitmotivation videos.   And look for Andrea at the International Aquatic Fitness Conference (IAFC)– NEXT WEEK – May 14 -19.   


Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.