Tuesday, July 02 2019

Explore a class format that combines “simple to complex” choreography with high intensity partner work.   European Aquatic Association (EAA) Master Trainer, Antonio Russo, transforms simple two-move combinations into challenging aerobic endeavors and then churns up the water with some buddy-style HIIT drills. 

Interval classes typically feature a precise timing structure and often combine different types of training.   This interval class combines segments that include aerobic exercise and HIIT drills.  The 4-minute aerobic segments feature simple 2-move combinations that are layered 5 times with progressive challenges.   The 2-minute partner drills are designed for one partner to create maximum turbulence to intensify the exercise for their partner. 



The intended outcome of this class format is to improve aerobic function by alternating between moderate steady-state aerobic exercise and high intensity anaerobic drills.  An additional goal is to foster socialization and teamwork by pairing up the students during the 2-minute HIIT drills.  The partner work adds a fun-factor to performing high intensity exercise.



The aerobic segments are classically layered European style to allow students to work at a level of complexity and intensity that is comfortable for them.  Each combination is introduced with just two basic moves.  The two-move combinations are then layered/progressed five times, with each layer becoming more intricate and/or intense.  The Layer Technique is a choreography style that allows instructors to teach to a wide spectrum of participant abilities. 



The unique twist in this interval program is that the students are paired up during these 2-minute drills.   Not all instructors and participants are comfortable with partner work, but those that enjoy it will appreciate the challenge posed by induced partner turbulence.   In most of the drills, one partner is creating turbulence with arm or leg movements while their partner is performing an exercise in the agitated water.  



5 Intervals (6 minutes each)

Each interval includes:

  • 4 minutes of moderate choreography (a two-move combination is layered 5 times.)
  • 2 minutes of high intensity partner drills (two moves are performed)

Partner Cool Down



If you are lucky enough to have students who do like to pair up, they will enjoy this short cool down.   Antonio adds in a water massage for the back and the legs. 


Fitmotivation extends a big THANK YOU to Antonio Russo for filming for Fitmotivation once again.  Antonio is a master trainer and international presenter for the European Aquatic Association (EAA) and AcquaPole.  Big THANKS also go to the staff and management of Aqua & Move, an aquatic organization based in Gent, Belgium.  This is the fourth year they have organized filming with a local film crew (FilmFirma) in conjunction with their yearly conference.   Kudos to Martine Flamen and Wim Van Lancker for helping us bring international flavor to the videos by organizing remote filming production. 


Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.