The above video is a preview for the Aqua Musicology video, posted on 8/23/15
The Aqua Musicology & Deck Cueing Skills Online CEC Quiz is now available. Worth 2.0 AEA CECs, this 20 question online quiz includes a 7-page CEC handout and pertains to content shown in the Aqua Musicology & Deck Cueing Skills videos which were both posted in August 2015. In August we were saluting new instructors with video content that was more geared towards instructional skills.
Need help learning how to teach to the beat & phrasing of the music? Looking to improve your ability to instruct safely and effectively from deck? These two videos can help you. The 7-page CEC handout also provides additional resources.
Where can you access this quiz?
You must be logged on as a subscriber. Go to the video page and open up the video for Aqua Musicology. Scroll down and below the link to the Notes is the link to the Quiz.Click on this link and you will be prompted to pay for the Online CEC Quiz.
Cost: $20.00 for Basic Plan subscribers and $10.00 for Premium Plan subscribers.
Upon completion of the quiz you will be prompted to print out the AEA CEC Form for 2.0 AEA CECs. The quiz and CEC form are stored in your Past Purchases. Your Past Purchases can be accessed by clicking on your user name in the top right hand corner.
There are now 5 online CEC quizzes available to Fitmotivation subscribers. All 5 quizzes are worth 2.0 AEA CECs each.
Aqua Musicology & Deck Cueing Skills Online CEC Quiz - Quiz accessed by clicking on Aqua Musicology video
Dual Aqua Online CEC Quiz - Quiz accessed by clicking on Dual Aqua Part 2 video
Aqua Free Online CEC Quiz - Quiz accessed by clicking on Aqua Free 5 video (Combining Moves & All)
Aqua Yoga Stretch Online CEC Quiz - Quiz accessed by clicking on Aqua Yoga Stretch video
Aqua Abs Noodle Online CEC Quiz - Quiz accessed by clicking on Aqua Abs Noodle video
Within the next two months, the video page will be redesigned so that all quizzes and audio downloads will be more easily accessed in their own separate categories.
The content is building and it is time to start categorizing. Abundance brings about its own set of challenges!