Tuesday, July 02 2019

The above video preview is for both Pool Kickboxing Classics (posted in Premium plan on 7/6/15) and Pool Muscle Mixers (posting in Premium plan 8/10/15)

Pool Kickboxing Classics was one of my most all-time popular workshops and DVDs.  Filmed in 2009, this routine is Cotton Candy Kickboxing a la Mark – meaning it is choreographed to the hilt, easy on the fierceness, heavy on the fun and suitable for all populations, including older adults.  

The choreography in this routine is balanced with high intensity drills designed to elevate the energy output from steady state to anaerobic depending on the length of time and the effort at which the drills are performed.  

Not teaching kickboxing in your aqua classes?   Below are three reasons WHY my students love it when we do kickboxing routines.

1   Arms.  

Kickboxing provides an abundance of arm patterning to combine with lower body moves.  Above and beyond the 4 basic punches (jab, cross, hook and upper cut), there are punch combinations and other arm patterns utilized in kickboxing routines.  Moving the arms against the resistance of the water with these movement patterns is challenging and yields effective results

2   Intensity.  

Large rhythmic movements of the arms and legs are the essential definition of aerobic training.  Kickboxing does not disappoint.  Big kicks and big punches equal big cardio in the resistive environment of the water.  If you are currently doing HIIT or Tabata training in your classes – kickboxing movements provide great drill ideas.

3   Fun.  

Kickboxing blends beautifully with traditional aquatic fitness choreography.  Just adding a few punches and kicks to your regular routine provides your class with kickboxing flavor without rocking the boat and telling your students you are going to ‘try’ something new.  We know how well THAT goes over.  No need to tell your students.  Just add some kickboxing flavor and the result is clapping at the end (love that!) and requests to do it again next week (love that too!).

The Pool Kickboxing Classics routine includes my all-time favorite combination – Classic Combo #4.  No joke.  This combo rocks the house and destroys everyone in its path.  If you have been to the Pool Kickboxing Classic workshop or you purchased the DVD you will remember this one.   Here is a teaser…

Start with a Ski syncopate, add uppercuts with a “Mike Tyson” inverted heel click, add fierce boxer slips, add Kung-Fu side karate kicks, add gut busting flurries, add football runs, add hook shots, add jump ropes, add jabs and then finish with speedbags designed to annihilate their arms.

If you can’t figure out what this means – you need to go sign up for the videos and watch it.  That is why it is a teaser!

And if you get kickboxing fever after signing up for the videos and watching Pool Kickboxing Classics – keep calm – there are two more videos depicting kickboxing choreography currently posted on the Fitmotivation channel – Pool Punches and My Favorite Kickboxing Combination. (Yes…my favorite kickboxing combination circa 2014)

What are you waiting for?  Log on and get busy!

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.