The above video is a preview for Liquid Hi/Lo and Liquid Flex & Flow. Liquid Hi/Lo was posted on 9/8/15 (Premium plan) and Liquid Flex & Flow will post on 10/6/15 (Premium plan).
Before HIIT there was Hi/Lo. And what was Hi/Lo the youngsters ask? Hi/Lo was when us aerobic dinosaurs alternated doing combinations that were grounded with one foot on the studio floor – to combinations that had you bouncing like a jack-hammer in 100% gravity. How fun for us.
Liquid Hi/Lo was my adaptation for the pool, bouncing in just 25% gravity. It makes sense when you think about it. Many participants in an aquatic fitness class have joint impact issues. For this reason, adding a healthy blend of grounded/anchored moves into your routine is an excellent idea. Grounded moves are performed with one foot in contact with the pool floor at all times. Doing so eliminates impact from the movement.
Most aquatic base moves can be grounded – jacks, skis, jogs, kicks, pendulums, high heel jogs and rocking horse. Grounded moves not only lessen impact, but they provide you with creativity and additional moves to use in choreography. Grounded moves can still maintain intensity provided you pair them with big arm patterns. Study the Liquid Hi/Lo video carefully and you will see how intensity is maintained during the grounded combinations with aggressive arm patterning.
Each grounded combination in the Liquid Hi/Lo routine is followed by a more intense choreographed combination of bounded moves. Obviously class participants can modify the bounded movements to grounded or they can perform them at Level II to reduce impact.
The twist in this video is that both the grounded and bounded combinations are taught with various choreography styles, including pyramid, add-on, layering, linear progression and pure patterned repetition.
Looking for some classic choreography that reaches across the generations and promotes low impact movement? Check out Liquid Hi/Lo which is currently posted in the Premium plan on the Fitmotivation website, along with 34 other full-length aquatic fitness videos. Don’t forget to print out the choreography notes. All Fitmotivation videos come with choreography/practical notes.