Magical Water Exercise Class

Thursday, March 13 2025

Fluid Magic is a 50-minute shallow water aquatic fitness format that includes six movement sequences that begin with a base move and then flow with dynamic flexibility, muscle conditioning, Pilates-inspired movement, yoga stretching and arthritis exercises. Abra Cada bra! Cast a spell of agelessness upon your class participants with a magical potion of movement that will improve their joint mobility, strength and muscular flexibility.



Optimal physical fitness cannot be achieved without engaging in a wide variety of exercises activities that target all the essential components, including muscular endurance, muscular strength, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility and body composition. Teaching only high intensity cardio would leave your students lacking in strength and flexibility. Flexible muscles and joints would help your class members avoid the endless cycle of injury that can diminishes their quality of life. Think of Fluid Magic as an elixir of movement medicine that will help your class members move better, feel better and live better.

Fluid Magic Class-at-a-Glance
This aquatic fitness instructor video does not include a warm-up or cool down because the content consists of movement that would be appropriate in warm-ups and cool downs. Fluid Magic includes six 5-minute movement sequences. Each sequence begins with a base move, and then magically flows into variations that include dynamic flexibility, power strength, Pilate-inspired movement and yoga stretching. The power moves are intended to keep the body warm in a cooler pool. Except for the base moves, this entire workout is non-impact. Arthritis exercises from AEA’s Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program (AFAP) are added to the potion to keep the joints supple and healthy. The exercises in the sequences are instructed for 30-seconds each, or 64 counts of music. Upon completion of the sequences, a final flow is taught with repetition reduction, reducing the total time for each move to 15 seconds or 32 counts of music. Below, I talk more about my inspiration for creating a class called Fluid Magic and then provide more detail regarding the movement  variations used in this video.



Start each sequence with a base move and then wave your magic wand and transform the move with the variations below.
Variation #1: Dynamic Flexibility

Using dynamic flexibility as a variation for the base move involves simply performing the lower base move at a slower cadence, typically half-water tempo. The arms can also be used for dynamic or rhythmic stretching.

Variation #2: Power Strength
Power moves in this routine are performed grounded/anchored to keep this routine low impact and appropriate for older adults. Adding in the power phase helps to maintain thermal warmth when combined with the slower/static mind & body movement. Additionally, the goal of the power moves is to add strength into the sequence outcome.

Variation #3: Pilates-inspired
The term “inspired” is used here because it is hard to recreate Pilates mat exercises in a vertical position in the pool. The moves are heavily modified, but class participants really enjoy doing exercises that have a Pilates flair. Pilates inspired movements performed vertical can include variations of Pilates leg lifts, circles and kicks, the single leg stretch, heel clicks, spinal twist, hundreds and more.

Variation #4: Yoga Stretch
Many of the stretches that we do in an aquatic fitness class mimic yoga stretches. These yoga stretches we often do include Eye of the Needle, Hand-to-Toe, Warrior III, Half Moon, Cat & Cow (modified) and Dancer.  Other yoga stretches that can be considered include Warrior I, Warrior II, Tree and more.

Encourage Organic Movement
Class members should be encouraged to move intuitively in this routine. They do not have to play “Monkey See, Monkey Do” with the instructor. Organic movement refers to moving independently and freely in a dance or exercise routine. Advise class members to listen to their body and adjust movements as needed to obtain greater results. Intuitive exercise is all about honoring your body and giving it what it needs in that moment. Therefore, students should be encouraged to shift around and move into positions that feel better on their body.

Related Videos
If your class members enjoyed Fluid Magic, below are some other Fitmotivation videos you may want to consider teaching:
Aqua Flex & Flow
Aqua Rejuvenate
Dynamic Water Yoga
Flexibility in Motion

In closing, remind your class participants that overall fitness is so much more than what they see in a mirror. Wellness is how they feel when they go about their daily activities, or when they are walking around. It is about their mood, their energy level and how well they are sleeping. As their instructor, you can help them achieve optimal wellness by teaching a variety of class programming that targets all of the essential components of physical fitness.


Poolfit's Mark Grevelding filming Fluid Magic, a 50-minute pool workout that combines yoga, Pilates, Arthritis exercises, stretching, strength and more.


Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.