The Ready S.E.T. Go! Online CEC Quiz is now available. Worth 2.0 AEA CECs, this 20 question online quiz includes an 8-page educational CEC handout that includes extensive information on anatomical movement planes, joint actions, strength & endurance exercises, S.E.T. formatting and timing protocols, teaching tips and more. Aqua S.E.T or Aqua Strength and Endurance Training, is an excellent way to increase muscle strength & endurance and provide class participants with invaluable results. Pre-formatted to assist instructors with class set up, muscle balance and segment timing, this is an easy class to teach and will be a popular addition to your aquatic schedule.
Where can you access this quiz? You must be logged on as a subscriber. Go to the video page and open up the video for Ready S.E.T. Go! Scroll down and below the link to the Notes is the link to the Quiz. Click on this link and you will be prompted to pay for the Online CEC Quiz.
Cost: $20.00 for Basic Plan subscribers and $10.00 for Premium Plan subscribers.
Upon completion of the quiz you will be prompted to print out the AEA CEC Form for 2.0 AEA CECs. The quiz and CEC form are stored in your Past Purchases. You can gain access to Past Purchases by clicking on MY ACCOUNT in the top right hand corner.
*There are now 8 online CEC quizzes available to Fitmotivation subscribers. *
Ready S.E.T. Go!
360 Degree Angles for Balance & Core
Hand Buoy ABCS
Aqua Musicology & Deck Cueing Skills
Aqua Free
Dual Aqua
Aqua Yoga Stretch
Aqua Abs Noodle_
All 8 quizzes are worth 2.0 AEA CECs each. A listing of all 8 quizzes appears in the right hand column of the video page when logged in. All quizzes can be accessed from this location.
Log on to Fitmotivation and get busy creating amazing aqua classes with over 75 videos, while earning AEA CECs.