Tuesday, July 02 2019

(Above video clip is Aqua Free 5, posted June 8, 2015)


The Aqua Free video series recently wrapped up with the posting of the 5th video and an AEA Online CEC Quiz to test everything you learned in the 5-part series.  There are now four AEA Online CEC Quizzes (2.0 AEA CECs each) posted on the Fitmotivation website.  If you are a video subscriber you are probably like…where are they?  Yeah, I know… I need to do a better job of making them more visible.

As much as everyone would love to go to workshops and conferences, it isn’t always possible and so I am trying to provide the next best thing.  The Fitmotivation website features practical aqua education learned online by watching videos of various aquatic fitness formats, reading handouts, taking away choreography notes…and of course testing your knowledge with online quizzes.

CECs are earned in the convenience of your own home and you get to take away fun choreography and training ideas for your classes by watching videos.


The Fitmotivation Academy now includes four videos that feature AEA Online CEC Quizzes.


Aqua Free-Part 5 (Posted in June 2015)

Read Aqua Free 5 Blog

Aqua Free, one of my 2015 CEC workshops, features 5 videos that speak straight to the heart of what I feel elevates an instructor to superstar status - the ability to create endless variations of base moves.  We all teach the same moves.  Learning how to reinvent these moves – jacks, skis, kicks, jogs, pendulums, etc.… with changes in arms, travel, direction, tempo and impact will keep your classes endlessly fresh, exciting and challenging.  I am absolutely confident that the Aqua Free 5-part video series and 6-page handout will help an instructor develop this ‘must-have’ skillset.

Dual Aqua - Part 2 (Posted in April 2015)

Read Dual Aqua Blog and watch Video Clip

Dual Aqua, also one of my new 2015 CEC workshops, blends together two of my favorite current teaching formats – HIIT and Dual Depth Programming.  Dual Aqua combines Tabata drills and choreography that can be taught to both shallow and deep-water participants at the same time.  Want to learn more about HIIT and Tabata?  The 2-part video and 5-page handout will provide you with guidance on how to introduce and/or blend Tabata programming into your traditional programming.   The handout will also review benefits and tips for teaching dual depth choreography and HIIT drills.

Aqua Yoga Stretch (Posted in January 2015)

Read Aqua Yoga Stretch blog and watch video clip

Got a chilly pool?  No worries…yoga stretches can be added to your class in a couple of different ways.  Feel like you do the same final stretch every class?  I know…right!  Reinvent your final stretch with flow and finesse by incorporating yoga poses in place of traditional stretches.  You don’t need a yoga certification or a six-month retreat at Kripalu to toss in a few yoga poses at the end of your aqua class.  This video and 4 page handout will provide you with plenty of poses to create a total body zen stretch.  With the current craze of HIIT programming, the yoga poses could also be used passively or dynamically as recovery moves in your Aqua HIIT classes.  

Aqua Abs Noodle (Posted in November 2014)

Read Aqua Abs Noodle Blog and watch video

The noodle is everyone’s favorite piece of equipment.  However, once you try to recline the students back on the noodle to perform abdominal work – things start to go awry.  What happens?  This video and 6-page handout will help you identify the problems that occur and how to fix them.  Take away an ab noodle routine for both intermediate and advanced participants.

Okay, so where are these quizzes located?   When you log in, go to the above 4 videos – open the video viewer – scroll down and below the Notes link is where you access the Quiz link.  In the next couple of months, I will have my web tech create a separate area for the quizzes so they are more easily visible.

Once you purchase the quiz…it will be stored in your Past Purchases.  Past Purchases can be accessed by clicking on your user name in the top right corner of account. 

Each quiz is 20 questions and worth 2.0 AEA CECs.  Upon successful completion of the quiz, a printable CEC form is automatically generated. You must be a Basic or Premium video subscriber to view the videos, complete the quizzes and obtain the CEC forms.   Each quiz purchase is a separate fee. 

Basic Subscribers:  $20.00

Premium Subscribers:  $10.00

I hope you enjoy this opportunity to learn practical pool skills in your own home.

Now log on and get busy!

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.