How could it possibly be August already? When I lived up north, Back to School ads and commercials for the New York State Fair used to put me in a state of mourning. Even though I live in Florida now, I still hate to see summer go.
Best August meme ever.
Anticipating that others share my August angst, I have loaded up the August and September content with a diverse line-up that includes Frisbees, deep-water, core, balance, games, themes, HIIT and sports.
Enjoy the distraction!
August 14 Fribata Susan Abel Sullivan
It’s still summer dammit and the Frisbee is an enduring symbol of warm and sunny days. Susan shares an innovative approach to Tabata training that features the Frisbee as a creative prop, as drag equipment and as a gliding disc.
August 21 Deep Magic Match Katrien Lemahieu
This deep-water workout begins with just four base moves. Katrien then unleashes magic formulas as variations of these base moves are cross-matched into endless combinations.
August 28 10 for 10 – Balance & Core Ruth Sova
Ruth introduces a new concept to Fitmotivation that features shorter content to meet the needs of busy instructors and trainers. Two shorter videos replace one longer video. And that means double the content; exercises for both balance and core.
September 11 Aqua Games & Themes Susan Abel Sullivan
Subscribers have been asking for content that fosters socialization, fitness and fun. Ask and you shall receive. Susan is the queen of themes. Get ready to add some drills, skills and thrills that involve summertime, shopping, weddings, zoos, Broadway and more.
September 18 H.E.A.T. Katrien Lemahieu
Katrien heats up the pool with some High Energy Aquatic Training (H.E.A.T.), a workout that features combinations of basic movements designed to improve endurance, speed and strength.
September 25 Aqua Sportz 2 Mark Grevelding Aqua Sportz was posted last week and features patterns and drills for three sports – football, soccer and hockey. The championship saga continues with drills and patterns from three more sports – basketball, baseball and swimming.
Reminder – Premium Pro Plan subscribers can download the current audio download for FREE. To access the FREE download, log in and click on the Video Page. The FREE download is located in the green bar at the top of the page.
Current Audio Download Aqua Sportz
Unleash your inner athlete in the pool with patterns and drills for three sports – football, soccer and hockey.
August 14 Fribata
Grab a Frisbee and hop in the pool for a high energy Tabata workout that includes a variety of exercises that utilize the Frisbee for drag resistance, gliding and more.
September 25 Aqua Sportz 2
Channel your inner champion with three more sports – basketball, baseball and swimming.
Thanks to all for your continued loyalty and support. Your subscription dollars is what keeps the videos coming!