Tuesday, July 02 2019

The Fitmotivation video subscription has been launched for nearly six months. In addition to the United States, there are 10 other countries with people logging in – Australia, Canada, France, Great Britain, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.  


Below are some comments from subscribers.


Tried out your Dual Aqua program and threw in two of your Aqua X-Core drills (tuck and shoot and ski with bi-lateral arms) to boot.  My students thoroughly enjoyed it.  I did indeed print out your notes, which were easy to follow.  I did have to practice the routine a few times in order to get the gist of the drills, but everything fell into place quite nicely during the classes.  Keep well and keep on smiling!  I love your videos!

D'Ann Wallace Levy, Switzerland

![Description: https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif](file://localhost/Users/markgrev/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/msoclip/0/clip_image002.png)

My students have been loving your workouts and I am able to always add something different to my classes. I am delighted to be able to do cat-cow in the water, it has become a must every time we stretch!

Laurel Keeffe, Boulder Creek, CA

I've never taught to the beat of music before so that's been a fun challenge. I do have a musical background so it's coming a lot quicker than I thought it would. I started with a few combos to the music this week and I'm attempting my first full hour of class this Saturday. My students are really excited because they're enjoying all the new things I've been able to present. I appreciate you and your hard work with your website. It's very user friendly and the videos are extremely helpful.

Kristin Masinter, Spokane, Wa

(Comment on Dual Aqua) Loved this and used it today.  First with an older group without the Tabata and then with my more active group using the Tabata.  THEY LOVED IT!

_LeAnn Hunt, King George, VA. _

You and your videos have really helped me a lot!  If you ever question if what you are doing is working...it is! 

Pat Pruitt Teal, Charlotte, NC (Recently passed AEA certification)


During my 20 years of teaching aqua fitness, I have viewed many videos but I have never seen videos as well made as Mark's. Very high quality and very easy to follow, the explanations are so clear and I love his style and humor. Mark's videos have really inspired my classes and I'm really glad to have found his website. Thank you Mark!

Françoise Idzerda, Switzerland


My classes love the moves I have been using from your videos.  Two of my classes can do about 3 of the Tabata rounds but we are adding on slowly.  They love the routines. I teach deep water, but have several people in the shallow end.  I have used a lot of your sha-deep moves and make sure all my moves translate to shallow as well.  When I found out you were doing sha-deep routines I was thrilled.

Joanne McAuliffe, Sacramento, CA


Thanks subscribers! I truly love to hear these comments.   Getting people in the pool and making a difference in their lives is what it is all about!


Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.