Susan Abel Sullivan
Susan has a passion for finding, developing and mentoring new group fitness instructors. A self-designated "joy ambassador," she strives to make her group fitness classes and continuing ed. workshops fun, entertaining, joyful, safe, effective and educationa. Susan combines her love of music, movement, dance and theatrics in her work
A three-time IAFC presenter and an SCW Atlanta Mania presenter, she is an AEA Continuing Education Provider and is AEA, ACE and POUND certified. Visit [her fitness website](
In addition to her fitness career, Susan is also a published writer. She is a regular contributor to _AKWA_ Magazine, wrote a monthly column for the _Calhoun Community Press_ for three years, and is a published author of speculative fiction (fantasy, science fiction and horror) with World Weaver Press. Her books are available in print and ebook on Amazon and other online book retailers. Check out her books on [her author website](