Tuesday, July 02 2019

Looking for an aqua cardio and strength workout that features functional exercise specifically designed for aging bodies?  Look no further.  Strength is Balance, a 45-minute fat-burning functional fitness workout was just posted (Premium Pro Plan), along with an additional 15-minute soothing Ai Chi relaxation.  Even better, this 60-minute pool workout is also available as an audio download for self-directed exercise.

 WECOACH founder, Laurie Denomme, shares six aqua cardio and strength interval sets that translate activities of daily living into pool exercises.  Functional strength exercises are designed to help people move in any direction life takes.  The short cardio intervals boost heart health, melt more calories and fast-track results. 

 Fitness professionals will take away ideas for incorporating functional strength, balance, joint mobility, cardio endurance and more into their classes.  As with other Fitmotivation Healthy Aging videos, the low impact intervals are ideal for senior aquafit and aqua arthritis classes.  However, the intervals can also be instructed with increased intensity and higher impact.     

Water exercise enthusiasts will also enjoy having a lower impact workout to exercise along with.   Strength is Balance is the latest video to post in the AquaFit series.   All videos that post in this series include an audio download that can be exercised along with by simply connecting a music device with a speaker or ear buds.  Or if your pool has WiFi, simply connect and play.     

Strength is Balance:  Video At A Glance

Segment 1:  Warm-up & Reach
This warm-up segment prepares the body for exercise and includes movements that enhance the ability to reach in various directions.

Segment 2:  Walk & Squat
The exercises in this segment translate into daily activities of walking, sitting & standing.

Segment 3:  Turn & Balance
Train balance and the body’s ability to safely rotate and turn with exercises especially designed to enhance these daily activities.

Segment 4:  Lift & Warm-Down
The water is an ideal place to perform exercises that enhance the daily activity of lifting objects.

Segment 5:  Ai Chi Relaxation
We live in a rather stressful world these days and one of the best things you can do for your students is to help them relax and de-stress.   Laurie provides the perfect solution with this 15-minute soothing Ai Chi relaxation.


Fitmotivation:  How will someone benefit from this workout? 

Laurie:  The pool exercises in this workout translate movements you do everyday. Taking advantage of buoyancy and resistance the movements are specifically designed to target:  reaching, walking, squatting, turning, lifting and balance.  The WECOACH six directional movement formula strengthens the muscles in all three planes of motion moving the body in all natural directions.

Fitmotivation:  Can the cardio & strength intervals be adapted for all populations?

Laurie:  This workout strengthens the heart using a balance of strength and cardio-focused exercises.  The cardio component should be performed at a working intensity that is right for the individual.  The body needs to be pushed to improve aerobic capacity.  Each time you do the workout try to work a little harder even if it is for short 5-10 second bursts. 

Fitmotivation:  Why did you name this workout – Strength is Balance?

Laurie:  Having good balance and the ability to recover after a slip is essential, especially for older adults.  In order to improve balance, exercises should be performed in all three planes of motion, using slow and quick speed, using full range of motion as well as working at end range.  This workout covers it all.  Strengthening the body for activities you do everyday and preventing injury.  Strength is Balance.

 Fitmotivation:  How does Ai Chi compliment the interval workout?

Laurie:  Ai Chi relaxation is the perfect way to end a workout that is focused on physical movements.  Ai Chi coordinates breath and movement.  This 15-minutes allows complete relaxation.  The WECOACH movement formula is applied to this particular Ai Chi sequence with a specific goal in mind – enhancing walking balance.

The Featured Student!
Fitmotivation would like to thank Marlis VanRyzin for her superb stint as video student.  Marlis is actually one of Laurie’s class participants, although Laurie says she herself is as much a student.  “In lead up to producing this workout, Marlis helped me tweak the exercises to get them just right,” says Laurie.  For the past 4 years Marlis has been attending Laurie’s classes and is now a passionate advocate of water exercise and encourages others to give it a try.

 And once again, Fitmotivation extends big thanks to Laurie for yet another video contribution.  Check out Laurie’s other Fitmotivation videos.  Strength is Balance will also be available as an individual download through WECOACH in early August.   Not interested in downloads?  Good news!  WECOACH will also produce an audio CD that will be available soon.  Check out two of Laurie’s other audio pool workouts– HIIT Aquatic Cardio & Noodle Abdominals – available on one audio CD for just $24.95.  (Both workouts are also available as WECOACH audio downloads)

 Stay tuned for more Fitmotivation & WECOACH collaborative videos.


Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.