Aquatic Fitness Aerobic Intervals

Wednesday, January 22 2025

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a popular class format, however aquatic fitness instructors should be mindful of blending HIIT with other programming so that class members experience optimal fitness results. Aerobic Intervals with Stephanie Thielen is a 15-minute water fitness instructor video that features several intervals of moderate intensity aerobic training.



Aquatic fitness participants love high intensity classes, but HIIT should be just one type of programming offered in classes. Instructors should also include aerobic (steady state) training, moderate intensity interval training, muscle conditioning, flexibility, joint mobility and more. This express video is perfect for combining with other programming in a class format.

Aquatic Fitness Routine-at-a-Glance
Aerobic Intervals does not include a warm-up or cool down because it is intended to be utilized with other class components. This aquatic fitness instructor video includes several aerobic intervals with a ratio of 2:00 work (moderate intensity)/ :30 active recovery. Each 2-minute interval includes two exercises. In the first 60 seconds, one exercise is taught at land tempo, and the other exercise is instructed at water tempo. During the second minute, the same two exercises are instructed, but the tempos are reversed. This simple two-move recipe of creating aerobic intervals using land tempo and water tempo can be utilized for designing an entire class routine. Instructors should consider storing this template in their “favorites” toolbox. Below, Stephanie outlines the benefits of making sure you balance out HIIT with aerobic training in your classes.


Filming Aerobic Intervals for the Fitmotivation Aquatic Fitness Instructor Video-on-Demand Platform


By Stephanie Thielen
Interval training involves alternating a work cycle with a recovery cycle. Most instructors now think of this as HIIT. The past several years has seen an industry explosion of high intensity interval training (HIIT) in aquatic fitness classes. A HIIT workout consists of short bursts of high intensity exercise followed by brief recovery or complete rest. HIIT is designed to use the anaerobic energy system, with a breathless exercise effort at 8 or 9, on a scale of 10. While HIIT continues to be popular and has its own subset of benefits, the physical demands and potential risks of a HIIT workout does have downsides: 

  • Increased risk of injury in riskier exercises  
  • Excessive stress on muscles and joints in higher intensity/impact exercises
  • Longer recovery time compared to other types of exercise
  • Not recommended for beginners who lack the necessary fitness foundation

There are a variety of ways to teach interval training. It doesn’t have to be a high intensity all-out approach. Aerobic interval training (AIT) also alternates two phases of work and recovery, but the work and recovery phases utilize the aerobic energy system. This means the exercise effort is more like a 6 or 7, on a scale of 10.  There is no complete rest in an aerobic interval. The workout is non-stop aerobic conditioning as the work and recovery cycles are more closely matched in intensity and effort.  
Aerobic interval training benefits include:

  • Improved cardiorespiratory fitness and heart health
  • Better regulated insulin levels and lower blood sugar
  • More efficient aerobic energy system
  • Improved stamina for longer duration activities

Instructing aerobic interval training can be a way to prepare your class participants for the more intense HIIT formats. Alternating cycles of moderate intensity exercise with active recovery can help your students build the stamina and cardio foundation they need for more intense workouts.  AIT formats are ideal for alternating with HIIT so that your students are best prepared for a variety of energy demands.   


Fitmotivation extends a big thank you to Stephanie T for helping instructors better understand the difference between AIT & HIIT and why they should incorporate both in their classes. If you liked Aerobic Intervals, be sure to check out all of Stephanie’s Fitmotivation videos.

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.