Creative Pilates Core Exercises

Monday, March 14 2022

Join Peyow Aqua Pilates and Anne Pringle-Burnell in the pool for some Pilates Power. Focused entirely on the core, this 45-minute aqua Pilates workout uses a pair of hand buoys and a noodle for some creative exercises that include challenging planking and teaser sequences. This water fitness class targets core endurance and strength, which helps your class participants with all of their exercise and daily activities.  

Blog Summary

  • Share the benefits of Pilates training with your class participants.
  • Teaching Tips for aqua Pilates success
  • Pilates Power:  Workout-at-a-Glance
  • Peyow Aqua Pilates resources for instructors

Pilates Benefits
Pilates is popular in studios and pools across the globe because it delivers results that transfer to many aspects of daily living.   Consider sharing some of the benefits of Pilates training with your class participants. 
According to Peyow Aqua Pilates, these benefits include:

  • Breath & Posture:  The focus on correcting alignment and connecting the exercises with deep breathing helps to release tension and increase lung capacity.
  • Stability & Balance: The water provides enhanced confidence in a safe environment to balance and explore range of motion (ROM) against the water’s forces, which helps with core stability and fall prevention.
  • Flexibility:   The Pilates exercises can help increase ROM and promote muscular and joint flexibility.
  • Core Strength:  The core-centric exercises, originating from the center or powerhouse of the body, help strengthen muscles of the abdominals, hips, pelvis and spine.
  • Recovery:  Pilates exercises can help you recuperate from injury or post-rehab.

Teaching Tips
The principles that Joseph Pilates established over 100 years ago, including breath, concentration, centering, control, precision and flow, are adapted to the water in the Peyow Pilates Power workout.  Alignment, concentration and centering is always established before movement is initiated.  According to Peyow Aqua Pilates founder, Anne Pringle-Burnell, instructors should focus on three aspects of cueing that include breathing, alignment and muscular focus.   The benefits experienced in Pilates training can help improve other types of exercise and activities of daily living because essentially every activity emanates from the core. “By integrating Pilates in any class you teach, you will be giving your students practical tips they can use all the time to increase their skills and prevent injuries,” says Anne.   Watch Anne talk more about Pilates Power.

Pilates Power:  Workout-at-a-Glance
This 45-minute mind & body workout includes three segments.
Segment 1:  Pilates Basics
This segment features traditional Pilates movements adapted to the water.
Segment 2:  Plank Challenges
Using a pair of hand buoys, Anne shares several creative variations that target the core.
Segment 3:  Teasers
Using a noodle and a pair of hand buoys, Anne showcases several core-centric exercises taught from the seated v-position (teaser).
Music used in video:  The playlist was 126 bpm and not available for sale

Pilates Power is part of the Peyow Aqua Pilates program, which is an accredited course for physical therapists, hospitals and fitness professionals.  Peyow Aqua Pilates founder, Anne Pringle-Burnell, is an education provider for numerous fitness and therapy organizations, including ATRI, AEA, ACE, Stott Pilates and more.  Watch Anne talk more about the resources Peyow Aqua Pilates has for instructors.

Instructor Resources
Pilates is popular for both water fitness instructors and class participants.  Many instructors don’t teach it because they lack training.  If this video has inspired you to learn more about teaching aqua Pilates, Peyow Aqua Pilates has exactly the resources you need. 
If you want to go deeper into Pilates, consider their Level 1 course.
Peyow™ Aqua Pilates Online Instructor Training Level 1
– 85 Minute Video, over 100 exercises
– Instructor Manual 161 pages, 500 pictures
– 3 level quiz for AEA/ATRI accredited CECs
– 75% passing score receives Specialty Certificate
– NEW! 2 added hours of lecture and 6+ hours of practical video.

Peyow Aqua Pilates is offering an exclusive offer for Fitmotivation subscribers in 2022.
Enjoy $60.00 off the regular price of $199.00.  Use code:  fitmotivation22
Buy Course
If you just want the Peyow Aqua Pilates instructor Manual, Fitmotivation subscribers can get $10.00 off the regular price of $49.95.  Use code:  manual30
Buy Manual
Stay connected with Peyow Aqua Pilates by following them on Facebook and Twitter

Fitmotivation extends a big THANKS to Anne Pringle-Burnell for sharing another one of her workouts from Peyow Aqua Pilates. Check out Anne's other video FunKtional Barre. If you want to see more workouts like this, let us know by commenting under the video or blog or by emailing us at

Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.