The recently posted video, Aqua-T-System, was so jam-packed with education regarding the challenge of integrating new/de-conditioned students with regular/advanced participants, that a new online course was created. Earn 2.0 AEA CECs with the online quiz/handout - Aqua Progressions and Regressions.
Fitmotivation now has 13 online education courses - each worth 2.0 AEA CECs - available for subscribers. How do these online quizzes work? It’s super easy. Click on the all-new Online Education tab in the navigation bar. Select the video & quiz that interests you. Click TAKE QUIZ. Purchase the quiz. The cost for Premium subscribers is $10.00 per quiz and the cost for Basic subscribers is $20.00 per quiz.
After purchasing the quiz you can then download the CEC handout. These extended education handouts are typically 7-10 pages long. The entire quiz is based on the CEC handout and the video content. The CEC handout should not be confused with the regular NOTES/HANDOUT that come with every video. After you have read the CEC handout and watched the video you can take the 20-question quiz.
The quiz is automatically graded once all answers are selected. Successful completion of the quiz requires 16 correct answers with three attempts permitted. Upon successfully passing the quiz a CEC form is automatically generated that you can print out. The CEC forms are also stored in your account settings. Click MY ACCOUNT and then click MY CECs.
Aside from attending a live workshop, which is not always convenient, this is an excellent way to accrue continuing education in the convenience of your own home. The Fitmotivation Online Education experience provides the added benefit of viewing a full-length aquatic fitness video, printing out the accompanying choreography notes and downloading an extended education handout.
**Aqua Progressions & Regressions
**The Netherlands Kataqua Team developed a 'transfer system' that was intended to more efficiently integrate newer or less fit students into a class of regular and more advance participants. Taught by Marlies Schellen-de Jong with the Kataqua team serving as beginner, intermediate and advanced students, the video serves as a tutorial for increasing and decreasing intensity with progressions and regressions for all exercises.
Aqua Allegro
Interested in transforming aqua base moves into ballet-inspired movements? AEA Training Specialist, Ashley Bishop, provides an educational tutorial on creating aqua choreography and intervals with ballet moves and jumps typically found in the Allegro portion of a ballet class.
Ride the Wave
AEA Training Specialist, Stephanie Thielen, shares an epic interval tutorial. Explore the science behind popular interval programming and take away six sample interval formats based on four different interval protocols that range from aerobic/moderate intensity to HIIT Max/insane intensity. The quiz is based on two videos: Ride the Wave 1 and Ride the Wave 2.
Age Proof Aqua
AEA Training Specialist, Mark Grevelding, puts a new spin on choreography with 10 age-proofing tips designed to make movement more purposeful for the aging body. The associated video is H20 Functional Flow.
50 Ways to Change a Move
Australian & USA Aqua Experts, Dominic Gili and Mark Grevelding, collaborate on an educational tutorial designed to teach instructors how to create unlimited moves for their classes. This course is based on Dom’s video, So You Think You Can Aqua, and Mark’s 2017 IAFC Conference session, 50 Ways to Change a Move.
Ready S.E.T. Go!
AEA Training Specialist, Stephanie Thielen, shares a pre-formatted body conditioning for optimal strength & endurance training (S.E.T). (Think Body Pump in the pool!) Instructors will take away a simple template for recreating endless strength and endurance workouts.
Hand Buoy ABC’s U.K. Aqua Specialist, Steph Toogood, shares tips, techniques, exercises and more involving foam hand buoys. The entire workout in her video, Hand Buoy ABC’s, is performed with one buoy - allowing for optimal hand breaks.
360-Degree Angles for Balance & CoreU.K. Aqua Specialist, Steph Toogood, presents an educational tutorial on how to add functional, multi-planar movement to your shallow water workouts. Ideal for aging bodies and healthy aging class formats.
Aqua Musicology and Deck Teaching Skills Ideal for newer instructors, AEA Training Specialist, Mark Grevelding, shares tips for matching the moves to the phrasing of the music, while exploring deck teaching techniques for safe and effective instruction.
Aqua Free Like choreography but struggle with designing new routines? Mark Grevelding shares a 5-part video series that educates instructors how to reinvent base moves by changing: 1) Arms 2) Travel & Direction 3) Impact Options 4) Tempo 5) Combined Moves. You will never feel like you are doing the same moves again!
Dual Aqua Learn how to combine both choreographed combinations and Tabata rounds into an engaging and exciting workout that can be taught simultaneously in both deep & shallow water. Mark Grevelding shares his favorite dual depth & choreography tips.
Aqua Yoga Stretch AEA Training Specialist, Mark Grevelding, shares education on how to design a flexibility routine with yoga poses that stretch all of the major muscle groups. Learn how to integrate yoga into existing aqua classes by creating a new final stretch or using poses as recovery in HIIT programs.
Aqua Abs Noodle Performing supine abdominal/core movements on a noodle can be tricky. AEA Training Specialist, Mark Grevelding, shares tips, techniques and exercises for abdominal exercises with the buoyant support of a noodle.