Wednesday, November 13 2019

Looking to occasionally add some international flair in your classes?  Mimi Rodriguez Adami shares a couple super combos that will help you go global in the pool.   Add some Latin spice with a combination that features a cha cha and merengue mix.  And then create some Middle Eastern vibes with a belly dancing inspired combination.

Sometimes all you need is one new combination to give your class a fresh makeover or a unique twist.  The Super Combo Series is designed to do just that and Mimi’s contribution to the series is certainly unique. 


Salsa Super Combo
This segment features two sequences, one that includes spicy cha cha moves and the other a merengue mix.  Below and in her own words, Mimi describes her inspiration behind the international flair.

Fitmotivation:  What inspired this Salsa Super Combo?
Mimi:  Well, with a surname like Rodriguez it’s evident that my Latino blood would want to react to salsa music no matter what my environment would be. So back in 1989 here in Italy, I started doing entire classes based on Salsa music, which I would research, buy records (yes vinyl), to have a DJ put together Salsaerobica workout tapes. (I even made a video!) It was fun and my clients enjoyed it. In fact, I was invited to present Salsaerobics at many conventions and events back in the early 90’s in the USA, Europe and Japan. It was only natural that as I started working more and more in the water, I would apply my salsa exercise experience to the new environment. Now, of course, it’s very easy to find people doing salsa workouts, however i try to adapt the dance and its music to the aquatic environment. This means getting in the water and playing around with the steps, the music, the resistance and the buoyancy to come up with something that works in the water and makes sense in interpreting the dance music and moves.  Also, as I get older and yet insist on continuing to teach every day, I find that the salsa dance moves force me and my clients to train and maintain hip and shoulder mobility and facilitate staying active.

Fitmotivation:  What inspired your Belly Dancing Super combo?
Mimi:   The step from Salsa to Belly Dancing as a source of music and movement was relatively easy and natural for me. The water also provides an excellent environment to move slowly and sinuously as well as the support and camouflage to perform the hip and shoulder shimmies and hip circles. I especially enjoyed getting in the water myself and experimenting with the moves I had learned taking belly dancing lessons and watching many, many belly dancing videos. Music and ethnic dances are an inspiration to stay active and continue to offer my clients many options for exercising in the water.

An American-born European living in Italy since 1975, Mimi Rodriguez Adami has been active in training fitness professionals in land and water fitness for over 35 years. She has several degrees and certifications in fitness and life coaching and loves spreading energy and joy through movement and music.  Fitmotivation extends a big THANK YOU to Mimi for traveling to Florida for filming and sharing her robust passion and decades of experience.  Look for Mimi's other videos HIIT & Salsa Splash, Mimi's IT Workout, and The Memory Workout.  Stay tuned. Mimi returns to Florida in April 2020 for more filming. 


Author: Mark Grevelding is the founder of Fitmotivation. He is also a training specialist and consultant with the Aquatic Exercise Association’s (AEA). Mark has been active in the fitness industry for 22 years as a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, international presenter and a continuing education provider for AEA, AFAA & ACE.