Anne Pringle-Burnell

Anne Pringle-Burnell created and developed the Peyow™ Aqua Pilates program. In 2015, she published the study PEYOW AQUA PILATES CASE STUDIES:Changes in Dynamic Balance within Participants with Physical Disabilities conducted at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Anne is Certified and an educational provider/faculty for ACE, AEA, AFAA, Arthritis Foundation, and Stott Pilates™, and faculty for ATRI.  Anne has been a featured presenter at international conferences including: American Cancer Society, The American Lung Association, Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, National Council on Aging, Northwestern Memorial Integrative Medicine Women's Health Conference, International Aquatic Fitness Conference, SCW Midwest Mania, and the International Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute Symposium.   Anne instructs classes and clients in Chicago, and Stott Pilates™ Certification courses. She developed the [Stronger Seniors™ Workout Program]( for older adults and people with disabilities, injuries, or chronic conditions.  Specializing in therapeutic and corrective exercise,  Anne loves empowering clients with core-focused exercises from both Pilates and aquatics.   Check out the [Fitmotivation Interview with Anne]( Visit her at [](
Anne Pringle-Burnell